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about getting under the bed. I think that would be funny under the bed though, just a pair of shoes coming out from under the bed sliding out.
No, we won't do that. That would be silly. Way too much Red Bull. How many cans of Red Bull? Four. Man. Have some more. Yeah, how many have we got left Tone?
No, we've got another three or four. Wicked. By set six you'll be absolutely all over the place. Lauren was last time, she ***** too much Red Bull. Yeah, it can fuck you up pretty bad.
I've been laughing too much, am I allowed to laugh that much? What, in the videos? No, you're not allowed to enjoy yourself. People don't want to see you enjoy yourself. Yeah they do.
People just want to see knickered. They want to see knickeredness. You're allowed to enjoy yourself. Huh? You're allowed to enjoy yourself. Yeah, you can do whatever you want. You can shake your booty.